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Summer: A High School Bully Romance (Sunset Beach High Book 4) Read online

Page 3

  He looks at me and smile.

  “Relax,” he says. “Let's have some fun.”


  For awhile, we do have some fun.

  I catch up with people I haven't seen since graduation.

  I drink a little more.

  I kiss Trevor some more.

  I laugh with the girls.

  It's fun.

  And then it's not as much fun.

  It's after midnight and we're sitting around the fire ring. My stomach knots as soon as I see Derek Morgan coming closer.

  I tug on Trevor's hand. “Let's go for a walk.”

  But he's already seen him. “In a minute maybe.”

  Derek is flanked by a couple of his football buddies. Or, ex-football buddies since he was thrown off the team before their season was over. He's got a beer in his hand and he's squinting through the fire in our direction.

  “Dude,” he says, shaking his head. “I don't think you can be here.”

  No one says anything because everyone knows he's talking to Trevor.

  Trevor just smiles.

  “I mean, you can't get this close to me, right?” he says, smiling. “Isn't that the rule? Until your trial?”

  “I was here first,” Trevor says. “Probably better read the small print. Or get someone to read it to you.”

  Derek takes a long drink from his beer, then waves the bottle in my direction. “How about Presley? Maybe she can read it to me?”

  “He's trying to bait you,” I say quietly. “Ignore him.”

  Trevor just smiles.

  “What do you say, Presley?” Derek says. “You wanna come? I mean, come read it to me?”

  His buddies laugh.

  He chuckles to himself and takes another sip from the beer.

  “Just ignore him,” I whisper again.

  Trevor doesn't say anything.

  “Why don't you do us all a favor, Derek?” Maddie says. “Jump in the fire so we can all watch you burn?”

  “So sour,” Derek says, undeterred. “Come on, Presley. Read the small print to me.”

  “She doesn't read to assholes,” Gina says.

  “Bullshit,” Derek says. “She's sitting right next to one.”

  Trevor's arm tenses.

  “Do not move,” I whisper. “This is kindergarten bullshit. Leave it alone.”

  Trevor doesn't say anything.

  Derek takes a long drink from the beer and grins over the flames. “Let's go find some place and sit down, Presley.” He tosses his bottle into the fire and the flames snap and crackle as the glass disappears. “We can read. Or...whatever else comes to mind.”

  The bottle comes out of nowhere.

  It smashes against Derek's cheek and he stumbles to the side. The bottle doesn't shatter, but it's full and the beer sprays everywhere. Derek reaches for the side of his face, turning in the direction the bottle came from.

  “Sorry,” Brett says. “I saw you toss that bottle in the fire and thought it looked so cool, I wanted to do the same thing.” He looks at him, but doesn't smile. “Guess I missed.”

  Derek pulls his hand away from his face, glancing at his palm like he's looking for blood. “What the fuck?”

  “What can I say?” Brett tells him. “I have bad aim. My bad.”

  There are snickers around the fire.

  “Motherfucker,” Derek says. “You can't just fucking throw a bottle at me like that.”

  “I didn't throw a bottle at you,” Brett says, shrugging. “I was just trying to copy you because you're such a cool guy. I just missed. I'm sure everyone sitting here would be happy to tell anyone who asks that it was just an accident.” He looks around. “Right?”

  People hesitate, then nod in agreement.

  “Or,” Brett says, standing up. “You and I could walk down the beach and, like, talk about it. Or...whatever else comes to mind.”

  Derek doesn't say anything.

  “Your call,” Brett says.

  Jake is next to him, his body shaking, he's laughing so hard.

  “Fuck you,” Derek mutters.

  “You sure?” Brett says. “Happy to walk with you, man.”

  Jake is still laughing.

  One of the guys with Derek says something in his ear.

  “If not, then get the fuck out of here,” Brett says, a new edge in his voice. “Your act is super fucking tired.”

  The fire crackles and pops.

  Derek moves his gaze from Brett to Trevor. “This doesn't change anything. You're going down, shithead.”

  Trevor smiles through the flames.

  “Walk,” Brett says. “Or I'm getting another beer.”

  Derek frowns, but finally turns and leaves with his friends.

  I exhale for what feels like the first time in a few minutes.

  I look at Trevor. “You okay?”

  He hesitates, then shrugs. “Sure.”


  He leans back on his hands. “I don't like having my friends defend me.”

  “They aren't defending you,” I say. “They hate him, too.”

  He makes a face. “You know what I mean.”

  “Brett did that for the same reason I was telling you not to move,” I say. “Because he knows if you do anything, you're fucked. Because he's your friend.”

  “Doesn't mean I have to like it,” he says.

  “No, it doesn't. But you should be thanking him rather than sulking about it,” I say.

  He thinks about that for a moment, then kisses me on the cheek. He pushes himself off the sand. “You're right.”

  “I am?” I say. “Where are you going?”

  “You are,” he says. “And I'm going to thank him.”


  I can't find Trevor anywhere and it's making me nervous.

  After he got up, he went over to Brett and Jake. They stood there for awhile, talking and laughing. I got up to go get more to drink with Bridget and when we came back, they were gone.

  And it's freaking me out.

  “Don't worry,” Bridget says. “They're probably just out messing around.”

  “That's what I'm afraid of,” I say.

  “I don't mean with Derek,” she says. “Trevor isn't stupid.”

  I look at her.

  “Okay, he's not stupid, but he's a hot head,” she admits. “But he knows he can't do anything. He won't screw that up.”

  I'm not as sure.

  She takes my hand. “Come on. Let's go down to the water. Stop thinking about it. Trust him.”

  I reluctantly go with her.

  Gina and Maddie are standing in the water. It's just over their ankles and Gina is pointing across the bay.

  “That room, right?” Gina asks when we come up to them.

  “That room what?” I say.

  “The one on the bottom,” she says. “In Trevor's house. That's the one you guys do it in, right?”

  I laugh and give her a shove.

  “You are such a fucking perv,” Maddie says, shaking her head.

  “I'm just curious,” Gina says, then kicks water at me. “And don't push me, bitch.”

  I shuffle backward, trying to avoid the spray.

  “You got me!” Bridget says. She takes a step forward and kicks hard at the water. She sprays Gina and catches Maddie in the crossfire.

  “Oh, goddammit,” Maddie says. “You know I hate being splashed.”

  Gina leans down, scoops water into her hands, and flings it at Maddie. It catches her in the face and she squeals.

  “Oops,” Gina says. “I guess I forgot.”

  “Bitch!” Maddie yells. She kicks hard at the water and soaks Gina.

  Bridget and I both laugh.

  Maddie turns in our direction. “Funny, huh?” She takes a step and soaks both of us.

  And then it's on.

  The four of us engage in a splash war that ends up leaving all of us soaking wet and exhausted. I can't recall the last time I was in a water fight, but I don't care. It's hilarious
and dumb and exactly what I need in the moment.

  Until Athena shows up.

  With Shanna.

  “Are you trying to drown each other?” Athena asks. “I'm sure there are plenty of fucking people who'd like to lend a hand.”

  “Like four fucking sea monsters,” Shanna mutters.

  Gina kicks lightly at the water. “Come on in, bitches. Water's nice.” She raises her eyebrows. “Oh, wait. Sorry. Don't want you to melt. Forgot about witches melting and all that shit.”

  “Fuck you,” Athena says, but she's glaring at me. “Be a shame if you tripped and fell down. Face first. And didn't get up.”

  “Be a shame if I pulled you in and held you under,” Bridget says, pushing the wet hair from her face.

  Athena makes a face, but doesn't say anything.

  “I was hoping you'd be gone by now,” Shanna says, looking at me.

  I roll my eyes. “Same.”

  “I meant from the planet,” Shanna says.

  “Same,” I say, laughing.

  “You're such an idiot,” Shanna says. “I cannot wait to never see you again.”

  I'm laughing so hard now I can barely get the word out. “Same.”

  It infuriates her and she turns and stomps up the sand.

  I'm not sure why I find it all so hilarious, but I know that I'm exhausted from fighting with them. I'm just over it. I don't want to do it anymore. I don't want to give anymore energy to it. I do want to be gone so that I never have to deal with them again.

  “Yeah, you're a fucking riot,” Athena says, staring at me. “I hope--”

  A wall of water crashes into her before she can finish the sentence. Gina and Maddie are kicking water with everything they've got and she's soaked before she realizes what's happening. She throws her hands up in the air and stumbles backward up the sand, shrieking.

  And it feels like the funniest thing I've ever seen. I'm doubled over laughing as they chase her up the sand, kicking water and sand in her direction. I'm laughing so hard that I don't even see Trevor coming up along the water.

  “What the hell is so funny?” he asks.

  I point to the sand, still laughing too hard to find the words. Gina and Maddie are standing there, screaming at Athena as she runs toward the parking lot. Bridget is next to me, laughing just as hard.

  “I think I'm missing something,” he says.

  I stand up and catch my breath, wiping at the tears in my eyes. “You won't even understand. It was just hilarious.”

  He laughs. “Okay.”

  Brett and Jake are behind him, the same confused expressions on their faces.

  I finally calm down. “Where were you guys?”

  He shrugs. “Just up the beach. Fucking around. Came back to find you.”

  “Fucking around?” I ask. “Doing what?”

  He rolls his eyes. “Pres, come on. I didn't do anything. You warned me. I kept my cool. It's all good, alright?”

  I nod. “Okay. Yeah. Sorry.”

  “Now,” he says. “Are you clowns done playing in the water?

  “Maybe. Why?”

  He walks over to me, his feet disappearing into the water. He leans down and kisses me. His tongue tickles my teeth.


  He pulls back. The corner of his mouth is turned upward. “Because I'd like to take you back to my house and get you out of those wet clothes.”

  “I don't have clothes there,” I tell him.

  The corner of that mouth curves upward again and his lips brush against mine. “I know.”


  We go back to his house. I've told my dad that I'm spending the night with Bridget. I hate lying to him, but I also really want a night with Trevor. His dad is up in San Francisco and won't be back until the next day. He doesn't mind being in the house because we have it to ourselves.

  I strip out of my wet clothes and jump into his shower, washing the ocean and sand off of me. The hot water warms me up and I stand under it for an extra few minutes before I step out and dry off. I keep the towel wrapped around me and run a brush through my hair. Then I walk into his bedroom.

  His room is dark and he's already on the bed.

  Without clothes.


  I let my towel fall to the ground.

  I crawl over him onto the bed, brushing my body against his as I move upward. His hands find me and he pulls me to him.

  “You're warm,” he whispers.

  I kiss his his neck, then his lips, running my hands over his arms, then the muscles in his chest, trying to feel all of him. His hands thread into my wet hair and he kisses me hard, his tongue exploring all of my mouth. I reach down, my fingers tickling the ridges in his abdomen, until I find him.

  He groans into my mouth.

  I slide my hand back and forth for a moment until he pulls out of it.

  “You don't like that?” I whisper.

  I can see him smile in the shadows. “I don't want to be done that quick.”

  I kiss him again. His hands slide down my back, over my ass, and down the backs of my thighs. I shiver against him. They slide back up to my hips and he guides me onto him.

  It's my turn to groan.

  I lay my hands flat on his chest and work my hips against his, looking down at him. His eyes are open and he's staring back at me, biting down on his bottom lip.

  I drive my hips harder against him and he arches up into me.

  I can feel all of him.

  He squeezes my hips and slows us down.

  I can feel all of it building inside of me.

  The lust.

  The want.

  The need.

  He sits up and wraps his arm arounds me as we move together. My hands slide into his hair as I pull him into me. He kisses my neck, my shoulders, then my breasts.

  I groan again.

  In one motion, we turn and I'm on my back. He's on top of me and still inside of me. My hands are pulling at his hair as I drive my hips up into him, begging him for more. He responds, moving faster. His tongue flicks at my ear and I shiver underneath him. My hands slide out of his hair and down his back. I dig my nails into his skin, then move them down to his ass, pulling him into me as hard as I can.

  “Fuck,” he growls.

  I hold onto him, cling to him, wanting all of him.

  I cry out as all of that lust explodes inside of me in an eruption of heat and pleasure. I buck underneath him as the waves roll through me, hanging onto him like he's all I have. He groans, pushes into me one last time, then slips out. He groans again as his entire body shudders agains mine. Then his arms give way and his entire body, slicked with sweat, collapses onto mine.

  We lay like that for awhile, our hearts racing, our breathing loud in the quiet, dark room. I'm still hanging onto him. My body is light and warm and tingling.

  He wiggles against me for a moment, his lips finding my ear. “I love you, Pres.”

  I turn into him, like I want to crawl into him. I kiss his chin, then his lips. “I love you, Trevor.”


  Bacon is cooking.

  That's my first thought as I try to open my eyes.

  Sunlight is streaming in through the floor to ceiling windows and the bay is sparkling on the other side of them.

  I close my eyes shut again for a moment and stretch underneath the sheet. I reach over, but Trevor isn't there. I force my eyes open and squint into the sun until they adjust.

  And I smell bacon.

  Then I hear feet coming down the hallway.

  “Finally,” Trevor says. “Thought you might be dead.”

  He's wearing a pair of black shorts, his hair is tousled, and he's carrying two plates. He hands me one. There's bacon, eggs, and a piece of toast.

  I push myself up, balancing the plate. “Breakfast in bed? This is kind of amazing.”

  He walks around the bed and climbs in next to me. “I was starving and you were snoring.”

  “I don't snore.”

ht,” he says. “I guess someone was cutting down trees outside.”

  I can't elbow him because I'll dump both plates of food into the bed.

  “There's coffee out in the kitchen,” he says. “I couldn't carry it all.”

  “This is fine,” I tell him, picking up the fork on the edge of the plate. “Thank you.”

  He nods and digs into his food.

  We eat in silence for a few minutes. The bacon is crisp, the eggs are soft and fluffy, and the toast is crunchy and buttery.

  “I had no idea you were such a breakfast chef,” I say when I'm done. “That was great.”

  He shrugs, forking the last bit of egg off of his plate. “My dad is always gone in the mornings, so it was either figure out how to make breakfast or find a drive-thru. I got sick of drive-thrus.”

  I set my plate on the nightstand next to the bed and snuggle into him. “We should do this a lot before I leave for school.”

  He laughs. “So, uh, encourage my dad to travel and then lie to your dad?”

  “Yeah. That.”

  He shakes his head. “No way. Your dad already thinks I'm a problem. I don't want him to totally hate me.”

  I lean back and look up at him. “No, he doesn't.”

  He makes a face and sets his plate down on his night stand. “Yeah he does. I get it. I've got all of this shit swirling around me and he doesn't want it getting on you.”

  “That's not how he thinks of you,” I argue.

  He frowns at me. “Pres, come on. He's your dad. Of course he does. And I'm not saying I blame him. I totally get it. But he's been pretty cool to me and I don't want to be the reason you're lying to him all the time.” He slides down under the sheet until we're nose to nose. “I'm not saying I don't want you here like this. Because fuck yeah I do.” He laughs. “I want this all the time. But you can't lie to your dad, especially about being with me.”

  “He does like you, Trevor,” I tell him. “I'm not making that up. If he didn't, he'd be yelling and screaming for me to stay away from you. He's never done that.”

  He shrugs beneath the seat. “So, okay. I don't want to give him any reason to do that then. Don't lie to him. We'll have time together before you leave.”

  There's such a finality to his words and it hits me like a rock. We're on the back end of our time together. Maybe I've been avoiding it or thinking about other things so I won't think about it, but the way he says it knots my stomach.